The Vision
- Forty NUCLEUS Teams, each consisting of One Young IAS Officer, One Young Faculty, One Seed-Stage Entrepreneur and One Established Young Entrepreneur is formed. Each four-member NUCLEUS forms a basic team, which will bond with each other to ideate, conceptualize, and strategize the Vision 2047, not just during the symposium but over the next three years, over the next ten years and over the next twenty-five years. Each NUCLEUS Team will have four hours meeting, including two hours during dinner (S4 and S5), on day 1.
- Four such NUCLEUS Teams form a CELL Team. The CELL Team is responsible for one of the ten Theme areas. There are ten CELL Teams. Each CELL will meet for three hours (S7 and S9) and will be coordinated by an Officer from IITMRP. On day 3 of the symposium, each CELL Team (cell will chose a leader amongst them) will make a 10-minute presentation on Vision 2047 for the Theme for the entire symposium.
- For each of the ten Theme areas, a two-page note is prepared and has been sent to all Members of the CELL handling the theme before the Conference. The note is prepared by Senior Faculty and Innovators at IITM and IITMRP.
- In addition, there will be 19 presentations of 15 minute each in four sessions (S1, S3, S11 and S12) on day 1 and day 3. These will be sharp presentations by Senior Faculty and Entrepreneurs of IIT Madras. The presentations will help the CELLS to evolve the vision 2047 for each Thematic area.
- Within 7 days of the end of the Conference, that is by 16th of March 2022, each CELL will prepare a three-page report in their Thematic areas.
- Each CELL is expected to prepare a detailed twenty-page Vision paper by 15th of June 2022 for their Theme. This paper will be updated every six months over the next three years. The CELL Members and the IITMRP Coordinator for each Theme is expected to stay in touch regularly in virtual mode to evolve these documents.
- IITMRP will put together the individual Theme papers into Vision 2047 document and keep updating it periodically.

Health care & assistive technology
Infrastructure & Communications
Transport & Mobility
Rural Development & Agriculture
Information Security & Defence
The Vision 2047 will be evolved in 10 theme areas
Speaker Presentations
S1.1 Prof T Pradeep – Water@2047 – A glimpse into the challenges and opportunities
S1.3 Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi – Telecommunications in2047:Â is it possible To Forecast?
S1.4 Prof Sujatha Srinivasan – Disability and Assistive Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities
S1.5 Prof Gaurav Raina – Digital transactions
S2.1 Prof Ashok Jhunjhunwala – How soon can India get to net-zero?
S2.3 Prof Krishnan Balasubramanian – Asset Integrity Monitoring of Physical Infrastructure
S2.4 Mr Andrew Thangaraj – A 25 year Roadmap for Universal Higher Education
S2.5 Mr Puneet Gupta – From Creating Financial Inclusion to Ensuring Financial Freedom
S2.6 – Ms Varnali Deka – Reimagining India – From the field
S11.2 – Mr. Anil S.G. – Inclusive Growth in Indian Agri Value Chain
S12.1 – Prof Sarit Das – Biomicrofluidcs: Why Research in Biomedical Field Should Change?
S12.2 – Mr Ranjith Mukundan – Unlocking value for dairy farmers through Digitization

Thanks to the efforts of about 200 people, Symposium
on Imagining India @2047 went on very well.
The work now begins. In each of the theme areas,
the WhatsApp group and email-group ID is given below.
- Energy and Net Zero –
- Education –
- Health Care and Assistive Technologies –
- Water –
- Infrastructure and Communications –
- Transport and Mobility –
- Urbanization and Housing –
- Rural Development and Agriculture –
- Fintech and Inclusion –
- Information Security and Defense –
We welcome feedback on draft note towards vision 2047. Please send your response at the email ID of the respective themes
Day 1
Day 3 (morning session)
Day 3 Cell Presentations