IITM Research Park

Build a payment solution for a mobile shopping application

This course introduces the Flutter framework for Android app development. Flutter is a modern, cross- platform, and open-source framework built by Google to develop apps on Android, iOS, Web and PC platforms. By taking this course, learners will understand modern app development, and get to build a simple mobile app that integrates a Web-based payment gateway service.

  • Understand the Flutter Framework and how it makes app development quicker and easier
    • Learn how to build UI layouts with Flutter’s Widgets
    • Build a shopfront layout with products, pricing, and a shopping cart feature
    • Integrate a Web-based payment gateway service into the mobile application
  • A shopping Android app that uses the Razorpay payment gateway service.
  • Use Android Studio to build the app using dart
  • A scrollable shopfront UI with products on display
  • Includes shopping cart feature (add/remove)
  • Order payment using Razorpay API (supports credit/debit cards, net-banking, wallets, and UPI) and payment confirmation

Geared at beginners with basic computer programming knowledge. Optional: Basic knowledge of dart, Java, C++, or object oriented high-level programming languages

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