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    Umagine 2023 Curtain Raiser at IITMRP

    2023-09-28T12:33:05+05:30Mar 09, 2023|

    Hosted amidst the vibrant, startup & innovation ecosystem at IITMRP, the event will bring together eminent Government personnel, Invited Speakers and prominent residents of the city of Chennai in an exclusive invite-only gala, kickstarting Umagine - Tamil Nadu’s one-of-a-kind Technology, Entrepreneurship & Skills Summit.


      2023-09-28T12:52:57+05:30Sep 26, 2022|

      Let's Millet is a Millet Cookathon organised by IITM Incubation Cell (the country’s leading startup hub) and Samunnati (India’s largest agri enterprise), to popularize millets and encourage innovative millet dishes that can become part of a regular healthy diet