The IIT Madras Energy Summit, a uniquely positioned technology convening was announced as a part of the inaugural edition of the annual showcase of the IIT Madras Energy Consortium. The Summit was held at the IIT Madras Research Park from the 14th, 15th, and 16th December 2021.

The 3-day Energy summit introduced IIT Madras as an Institute of Eminence, providing a premier forum to showcase technologies on RE based systems, enable dialogue on climate action and subsequently identify priorities for research on sustainable energy needs that could help in accelerating technology deployment in collaboration with prominent Industry Partners.

Preceding the event, delegates were also provided an opportunity to interact and understand the innovative work carried out by select energy startups through a startup showcase. Throughout the Summit, panel discussions and interactive sessions were conducted to provide ample opportunities for participants to learn, ruminate, share perspectives, and gather insights into the vibrant research atmosphere at IIT Madras and the IIT Madras Research Park. A curated line-up of keynote speeches was held across a wide spectrum of thematic areas focused on Renewable Energy and the transformation to a low-carbon future. Along with presenting the state-of-the-art in terms of technology, collaborative opportunities to address global challenges in the existing energy system were also shared by domain experts. Panel discussions were also conducted covering areas such as Renewable Energy Integration, Technology development for hard to abate sectors, Policy advancements and non-conventional utilisation pathways.

The presentations made by the IIT Madras Research Park team during the Energy Summit are noted below:

Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala – Industry-academia initiatives to move India to net-zero

To view the recording of the talk, click here.

Panel discussion on “Renewable Energy Systems & Storage Systems” moderated by Anson Sando – Renewable Energy Systems & Storage
