CHENNAI: For a state that is a hub for medical tourism, Tamil Nadu figures low as a healthcare innovation and R&D hub. Barring medical devices manufacturing, it has lost out to neighbours Telangana and Karnataka. However, industry trackers say there are green shoots. Most experts TOI spoke to pin their hopes on the IIT-Madras ecosystem.It houses both a healthcare incubation facility (Healthcare Technology Innovation Centre (HTIC) and medtech incubator)and a biotech incubator where startups are working on the next big technology in healthcare.
CHENNAI 14th June 2022: IIT Madras Research Park (IITMRP), India’s first University-based Research Park and IITM Incubation Cell, India's leading Deep-tech Start-up hub, released a report today on ‘Financial Inclusion Challenges’ in the country. It highlights the challenges faced by low-income groups and senior citizens in availing financial services and recommends possible solutions
Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, President - IIT Madras Research Park (IITMRP), IITM Incubation Cell & RTBI (IITM's Rural Technology and Business Incubator) in a comprehensive and in-depth exchange, spoke to India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA)'s Emerging Tech Radio podcast on "Building an ecosystem for budding, clean-tech entrepreneurs".