“Sanitation is a basic necessity for human dignity and well-being.” – Kofi Annan

The problem of sanitation has been plaguing the nation since its birth, and, though unbeknownst to many, various undertakings have been dedicated to placating this ever-prevailing issue.

With a decimal-perfect composition of engineering dexterity and business acumen, Solinas has grown to become a major force in the sanitation industry, a fact backed by the venture landing a deal on Shark Tank and the various accolades it has received, to name a few.

But what seems most valuable is the multiple dimensions of issues they address and the respective solutions they provide, ranging from the marginalization and provision of dignified livelihoods for sanitation workers to improvement in the quality of health and life for the general population.

Sharing their insights, Divanshu Kumar and Bhavesh Narayani of Solinas Integrity Pvt. Ltd., a venture that is charging at solving the issue of sanitation head-on, feature on the pilot episode of The Catalist Podcast, an alpha-to-omega business podcast that brings to light the changemakers of our time.

Watch/listen to the podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyqQr-CYWDs
Sparkathon Creator: Mohamed Abubacker Siddiq, student, IITM